Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sea Sponges Facts

When you look at a sponge, the word animal  might not be the first that comes to mind, but sea sponges are animals. There are over 6,000 species of sponges; most live in the marine environment, although there are also freshwater sponges. Natural sponges have been used by humans to clean and bathe with for at least 3,000 years. Sponges are classified in the phylum Porifera. The word Porifera  comes from the Latin words porus (pore) and ferre (bear), meaning pore-bearer. This is a reference to the numerous pores or holes on a sponges surface. It is through these pores that the sponge draws in water from which it feeds. Fast Facts: Sponges Scientific Name: PoriferaCommon Name: SpongeBasic Animal Group: InvertebrateSize: Various species range from under a half inch to 11 feet in lengthWeight: Up to approximately 20 poundsLifespan: Up to 2,300 yearsDiet:  CarnivoreHabitat: Oceans and freshwater lakes the world overPopulation: UnknownConservation Status: One species is classified Least Concern; most are Not Evaluated. Description Sponges come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Some, like the liver sponge, look like a low-lying crust on a rock, while others can be taller than humans. Some sponges are in the form of encrustations or masses, some are branched, and some look like tall vases. Sponges are relatively simple multi-celled animals. They do not have tissues or organs like some animals do; rather, they have specialized cells to perform necessary functions. These cells each have a job. Some are in charge of digestion, some reproduction, some bringing in water so the sponge can filter feed, and some are used for getting rid of wastes. The skeleton of a sponge is formed from spicules which are made of silica (a glass-like material) or calcareous (calcium or calcium carbonate) materials, and spongin, a protein that supports the spicules. Sponge species may be most readily identified by examining their spicules under a microscope. Sponges do not have a nervous system, so they dont move when touched.   Placebo365/Getty Images   Species There are an enormous number of species in the phylum Porifera, broken into five classes: Calcarea (Calcareous sponges)Demospongiae (Horny sponges)Hexactinellida (Glass sponges)Homoscleromorpha (Includes about 100 species of encrusting sponges)Porifera incertae sedis (Sponges whose classification has not yet been defined) There are over 6,000 formally described sponge species, measuring from under a half inch to 11 feet. The largest sponge discovered to date was found in Hawaii in 2015, and has not yet been named. Habitat and Distribution Sponges are found on the ocean floor or attached to substrates such as rocks, coral, shells, and marine organisms. Sponges range in habitat from shallow intertidal areas and coral reefs to the deep sea. They are found in oceans and freshwater lakes throughout the world. Diet and Behavior Most sponges feed on bacteria and organic matter by drawing water in through pores called ostia (singular: ostium), which are openings through which water enters the body. Lining the channels in these pores are collar cells. The collars of these cells surround a hair-like structure called a flagellum. The flagella beat to create water currents. Most sponges also feed on small organisms that come in with the water. There are also a few species of carnivorous sponges that feed by using their spicules to capture prey such as small crustaceans. Water and wastes are circulated out of the body by pores called oscula (singular: osculum). Reproduction and Offspring Sponges reproduce both sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction occurs through the production of egg and sperm. In some species, these gametes are from the same individual; in others, separate individuals produce eggs and sperm. Fertilization occurs when the gametes are brought into the sponge by currents of water. A larva is formed, and it settles on a substrate where it becomes attached to the rest of its life. Asexual reproduction occurs by budding, which happens when a part of a sponge is broken off, or one of its branch tips is constricted, and then this small piece grows into a new sponge. They may also reproduce asexually by producing packets of cells called gemmules. Threats In general, sponges arent very tasty to most other marine animals. They can contain toxins, and their spicule structure probably doesnt make them very comfortable to digest. Two organisms that eat sponges though are hawksbill sea turtles and nudibranchs. Some nudibranchs will even absorb a sponges toxin while it eats it and then uses the toxin in its own defense. Most of the sponges have been evaluated by the IUCN, as Least Concern. RainervonBrandis/Getty Images Sponges and Humans The modern plastic sponge in our kitchens and bathrooms are named after natural sponges, living animals which were harvested and widely used as long ago as the 8th century BCE as implements for bathing and cleaning, as well as in medical practices such as assisting in healing and to cool or warm or comfort a body part. Ancient Greek writers such as Aristotle (384–332 BCE) suggested the best sponge for such tasks was one that is compressible and squeezable but not sticky, and holds great quantities of water in its canals and expels it out when compressed.   You can still buy natural sponges in health food stores or on the Internet. Artificial sponges were not invented until the 1940s, and long before that, commercial sponge harvesting industries developed in many areas, including Tarpon Springs and Key West, Florida. Sources Brusca Richard C. and Gary J. Brusca. Phylum Porifera: the sponges. Invertebrates. Cambridge, MA: Sinauer Press, 2003. 181–210.Castro, Fernando, et al. Agalychnis The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: e.T55843A11379402, 2004.  Ã‚  Coulombe, Deborah A. The Seaside Naturalist. New York: Simon Schuster, 1984.Denoble, Peter. The Story of Sponge Divers. Alert Diver Online, 2011.Hendrikse, Sandra and Andrà ©Ã‚  Merks, A. Sponge Fishing in Key West and Tarpon Springs, American Sponge Diver, 2003Martinez, Andrew J. Marine Life of the North Atlantic. New York: Aqua Quest Publications, Inc., 2003.UCMP. Porifera: Life History and Ecology. University of California Museum of Paleontology.Wagner, Daniel, and Christopher D. Kelley. The Largest Sponge in the World? Marine Biodiversity 47.2 (2017): 367–68.  Voultsiadou, Eleni. Sponges: An Historical Survey of Their Knowledge in Greek Antiquity. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87.6 (2007): 1757 –63. Print.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Islam And Its Impact On The World - 1560 Words

Islam arose in the seventh-century Arabia, a land filled with desert oasis with no cities of monumental size and sparsely inhabited by nomadic tribes. However, these people were unified under the leadership of its founder, the prophet Muhammad who lived from 570-632 A.D and proceeded with his followers to spread the infectious word of Islam and its ideals. Due to the fact that Islam accepted many different types of long-standing cultures and diverse people, it has therefore attained and formed their ideas of art and architecture and implemented them in their own lifestyles. One of the many elements that were obtained from this blending of cultures is the art of cuneiform, along with the creation of loose-leaf manuscripts which would allow†¦show more content†¦It’s no secret that the culture of Islam is known for its very technical and alluring calligraphy which plays a very integral role within the society and aids in providing a method in which to display its religio n in a non-offending way. The Arabic script is generally written right to left, and has its letters formed depending on its overall position in the word itself. With its rhythmic, yet complex interplay between positioning, Arabic lends itself to many variations. In Islamic society, Calligraphers enjoyed the highest status of all artists within its society due to the fact that scribes has to learn the formulas and combinations in order to create ink and paints of all sorts of colors and lighting. Scribes would also have to master the complex literary traditions and number symbolism that had developed in Islamic culture over time. Their training was tedious and lengthy, but unlike any other type of artist who were generally anonymous in the early centuries of Islam, outstanding calligraphers received public recognition. In the case of the Qur’an Manuscript in Maghribi, the patterns of illumination and artwork which resonates throughout the entire piece which also allows for a g reater emphasis on the placement of the calligraphy that is present within the manuscript. The wording is written with a ink that radiates a golden color whenever

Monday, May 11, 2020

Simple Math Working Models - 3216 Words

You Can prove that radius to the point of contact of a tangent is perpendicular by Take two Iron Rings with a radius of a pin that you have like a stitching needle.. The iron rings should be at a thickness of 1 cm... Join the two rings by superimposing but not exactly, without gap. just leave a gap between the two circumference of the circle such that there is parallel gap throughout the two rings then join them at two points{one at any where and another at straight opp to the other} using m~seal. no find the center by drawing a circle with same radius with compass.(no need to measure the radius just estimate the radius by having the ring)then keep the rings on it and then take a wire make it as the diameter with the contact points as†¦show more content†¦To place a number of marks or stations in any given direction the horizontal plates are clamped together, the telescope pointed in the desired direction and then moved vertically and focused on each mark as required. Although the theodolite looks like a difficult instrument to use, its basic concept is very simple. The surveyor would begin by picking a distinct point in the distance. After centering the theodolite over the primary point of interest, the surveyor would use the eye piece to align the sight axis with the point of interest in the distance. Next the surveyor would zero the horizontal and vertical axes graduated circles. Finally the surveyor would move the sight axis using the eye piece to the final point of interest and determine the horizontal and vertical angles between the points. With this known angle and the triangulation principle, the distance between each of the three points may be determined. See, told you that if you understand it is quite easy to use. One major difference between the clinometers and theodolite is that theodolite is used in professional using ( NOT THIS ONE ::: THIS ONE IS HOMEMADE). THEY USE THE DIGITAL ONES | U can go for anything. 1) Make use of thin sticks or Straws. Have papers cutting fix between two sticks to show angle. Decorate it according to yourself. 2) since you are in 10(C.B.S.E) your study of Trigonometry is concerned to 2-D only . even then you can try 3-d. Following is a description:Show MoreRelatedHelpful Strategies For Helping With Math Anxiety1162 Words   |  5 Pageswith Math Anxiety In the Information Capsule from Miami-Dade county different researchers have developed strategies that a teacher can use to reduce the effects of math anxiety in a student who may be suffering from the phobia. The result of the research has found that a teacher, practice has a strong influence on students’ math anxiety. One way a teacher can reduce math anxiety is to be knowledgeable in their content when comes to math and to always exude a positive attitude towards math. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kant And Kant s View On Life And Most - 955 Words

â€Å"If you do what you need ,your surviving. If you do what you want, your living†. Philosophers Mill and Kant both share similarities and differences on their view on life and most of all on the meaning of a â€Å"good life. Mill bases morality on the principle of utility which states , that â€Å" actions or behaviors are right in so far as they promote happiness or pleasure , wrong as they tend to produce unhappiness or pain†. While Kant bases morality on the categorical imperative which is, â€Å"an unconditional moral obligation that is blinding in all circumstances and is not dependent on a person’s inclination or purpose†. Mill and Kant both join in their proposed first rule of profound quality a sort of all inclusiveness, for Kant’s situation that of confining one’s standards of activity to people who it can serve to be a widespread law of nature, for Mill’s situation considering the outcomes of a sort of activity for al l people. Both perceive transitional good guidelines , called by Kant â€Å"obligations† and by Mill â€Å"subordinate standards†. Accordingly the 2 philosophers have a 2 step origination of moral thought. A â€Å"basic level† that offered moderate good standards against the first guideline of profound quality and a performance stage that allows for settles on a choice in a specific case on the premise of the important good principles. The obligations to others perceived by Kant relate to the subordinate standards perceived byShow MoreRelated Ethical and Philosophical Questions about Value and Obligation977 Words   |  4 Pageshow can we view the philosophical ethics of Mill, Kant, Aristotle, Nietzsche, and the ethics of care? III For Mill, the question is what is the relation between his (metaethical) empirical naturalism and his (normative) qualitatively hedonist value theory and his utilitarian moral theory? One place we can see Mill?s empiricism is his treatment, in Chapter III, of the question of why the principle of utility is ?binding?, how it can generate a moral obligation. Compare Mill?s treatmentRead MoreKant And David Hume Views On The Matter1457 Words   |  6 Pagesreason and feel some sort of emotion. Objectively speaking, there is a no fine line between reasoning and how one feels, however there seems to be a distinct difference between the philosophers Immanuel Kant and David Hume views on the matter. Both are life changing philosophers with very opposing views. One sees the feelings in human nature while the other seems to see nothing but rationality. One can argue both are used but according to these two there is only one or the other dominating the brainRead MoreLying, By Jeremy Bentham1613 Words   |  7 Pagesit’s still hiding the truth from that person. Hiding something they deserve to know even though it may hurt them may also be a form of lying. There are many situations where lying may end friendships, relationships, or even tare families apart because most people want to know the truth no matter how harsh, because eventually the truth may come out. In addition to hiding information, there are also other forms of lying. Telling someone false information as well as withholding information are forms ofRead MoreThe Role Of Happiness On Kant s And Mill s Ethics1712 Words   |  7 PagesThe Role of Happiness in Kant s and Mill s Ethics Corey Guitard (0241740) Introduction to Ethics November 18th, 2015 Philosophy 2701 Dr. Rupen Majithia Words: Immanuel Kant refers to happiness as contentment (Kant, ) whereas John Stuart Mill refers to it as the pursuit of pleasure and the absence of pain (Mill, p.7). Kant does not base his ethics on happiness. Instead, he argues that morality is based on our duty as a human (Kant, ). To do what is right for Kant is to do what is instinctuallyRead MoreThe Case Of Evan Motts Assisting His Wife s Euthanasia Essay1644 Words   |  7 PagesI am going to discuss in this essay the case of Evan Motts assisting his wife s euthanasia. I will cover the ethical issues regarding this topic including whether or not Evan should be punished. I will look at the theories of Kantian Ethics and Utilitarianism to justify whether or not Evan s actions were morally right. An Auckland man is facing a charge that carries a maximum penalty of 14 years after assisting his terminally ill wife to commit suicide. Evan Mott researched suicide methods andRead MoreImmanuel Kant s Philosophy On Moral And Good And Evil Behavior1413 Words   |  6 Pagesaccording to Immanuel Kant, who is one of the most influential philosophers of all times, believes that human beings should not be making decisions based on the facts of a situation, but should act according to universal moral codes that apply in all situations regardless of the outcome. Kant refers to these universal moral codes as categorical imperatives and must be fully followed at all times across all circumstances. In his work, Groundwork of Metaphysic of Morals, Immanuel Kant talks about threeRead MoreKant And Mill On Animal Ethics Essay1365 Words   |  6 PagesIn this essay I will begin by explaining the overall views of Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill, then compare and contrast the ideas and philosophies of Kant and Mill on Animal Ethics. I believe that Kant, the deontologist, will not care as much about the duty/responsibility between humans and animals as Mill, the utilitarian, who will see the extreme importance of animal ethics. After studying and explaining the views and teachings of these two philosophers I will see if my thesis was correct,Read MoreThe Sex Of Sex : A Hot Topic Of Debate Since The Beginning Of Time967 Words   |  4 Pagessince the beginning of time. Many believe it is a wrong and in most religions they believe it is sinful to have premarital sex. Many times people use other people as means for pleasure. Kant says that this is wrong to do. I believe that you can use people for sexual pleasure and not be required to love or care for them. Kant consists that it is immoral to love someone if it is only sexual love. Kant says that you cannot simply view a person as an sexual object. If you do then you are degrading thatRead MoreImmanuel Kant s Ethical Theory1527 Words   |  7 Pagesassess whether one s actions are just and whether we can truly make the right decision based on any ethical framework. An ethical structure such as Universalism, is most often associated with Immanuel Kant. Immanuel Kant was a philosopher of German descent, who lived from 1724- 1804 and was most notable for his work in ethics. Kant suggest that one should assess whether an act is right or wrong by weighing if it is honest, fair , respectful and just. Due to Immanuel Kant s frustration with theRead MoreKantian Moral Theory : Kant s Philosophy1328 Words   |  6 Pagesup distorting ones views and perhaps even our own when we tell a lie that can lead to a snowball effect. Immanuel Kant has some of the strictest views on lying, and some philo sophers claim there is something erroneous in his theory. He maintains that telling a lie is a violation of one’s duty to be truthful to everyone and shows a lack of respect. Even though Kant never gives a direct statement about what is a lie, he presents us with the ethics behind the his moral theory. Kant proposes an argument

Tatutory body Free Essays

Pursuant to the above, FL therefore forwarded to CT an invoice of pursuant to Clause 10 of the Agreement. However, by Act’s analysis, there were errors In the computation of PPTP In the 2009 tax assessment Issued by FIRS. CT Is also In disagreement with the rate applied by your Company in arriving at the royalty due for the oil produced. We will write a custom essay sample on Tatutory body or any similar topic only for you Order Now It was based on these beliefs, that CT forwarded to your Company the sum of and for tax assessment and royalty respectively totaling CT further requested that your Company challenges the tax assessment at the appropriate forum and re-compute the royalty cording to the established rates. It Is on the above premise that your Company the following relief: (a) Declarations on the applicable royalty rate and the correct calculation of PPTP returns; (b) and specific damages for payment of the outstanding tax and royalty sums of Looking at the above relief, the issues in question which were submitted to Arbitration arose out of alleged wrong assessment and computation of taxes by your Company due to the FIRS and by extension to the Federal Government of Nigeria. So for all intents and purposes, the claim of your Company before the Orbital Tribunal s in effect for declarations on the applicable royalty rate and calculation of PPTP. The Federal High Court in the recent decision of Federal Inland Revenue Service Vs†¦ Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Others opined thus: â€Å"While it is conceded that the Parties are bound by the sanctity of their contracts and the issue in dispute arose out of the Agreement, the question still remains whether Parties can by an Agreement purport to confer Jurisdiction on an Arbitration Tribunal to determine issues relating to taxation of Companies or connected with the Federal Government Revenue when such Jurisdiction is exclusively conferred on this Court by the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The answer I must say is an emphatic No. In other words, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria precludes any other Court in Nigeria other than the Federal High Court, not to talk of an inferior Arbitration Tribunal, from exercising Jurisdiction over tax matters relating to Federal Government Revenue. Although in simply parlance, one might be quick to say that given that EDP and FIRS re neither parties to the agreement nor parties before the orbital panel, they do not have the locus stands to make such an application. Furthermore, it is a trite principle of Arbitration law that Courts of Law must not be too hasty to make any injunctions or orders affecting arbitration proceedings. Be that as it may, We wish to draw your attention to the recent decision in Federal Inland Revenue Service Vs†¦ Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Others wherein the A. Belle J decided that: incidental thereto. It is not in dispute at all, that the Plaintiff in this case is the traitors body established by Law to wit: Federal Inland Revenue Service (Establishment) Act, 2007 as the Sole Federal Authority responsible for the assessment and collection of Taxes on behalf of the Federal Government of Nigeria. It stands to reason therefore that in any dispute where the Plaintiff perceived that its statutory functions are going to be affected by such dispute it will necessarily have the requisite locus stands to bring an action to seek remedy. So, to my mind in the instant case, it is preposterous to argue as the 2nd- 5th Defendants did, arbitrarily f tax issues arising from production sharing contracts-that the Plaintiff has no locus stands to bring this action in which it alleges that its statutory functions to assess and collect tax for the Federal Government will be adversely affected in the Orbital proceedings between the Defendants in this case, merely on the ground that it is not party to the orbital proceedings. It is the very reason of its not being a party to the orbital proceedings that makes it imperative for the Plaintiff to file this suit to protect its perceived interest in the subject matter of the arbitration. This Court is not unconcerned at this stage, with whether the Plaintiff will succeed because locus stands of a Plaintiff to sue is not dependent on whether or not its case will succeed. It is against this backdrop that I hold the view that the Plaintiff in this case has the locus stands to bring the present action. On this score therefore, this Court has the jurisdiction to entertain the case. † From the foregoing decision of the Federal High Court, the Court has taken the stance that if the FIRS perceives that its statutory functions are going to be affected by any dispute, it will have the requisite locus stands to bring an action to seek remedy. The Court accordingly held that FIRS had a basis to bring the action and that the Court has Jurisdiction to entertain the case. This therefore means that the EDP and FIRS may be granted injunctive orders restraining continuation of the arbitration. Drawing from the above, the decision of the Tax Appeal Tribunal would be binding on CT and its preliminary objection to the Jurisdiction of the Orbital panel would be upheld. ACT The Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (UNCOMBED)’s directive is made pursuant to the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act to enhance the level of participation of Nigerian and Nigerian companies in the country’s oil and gas industry. The Act provides for the submission of Nigerian Content Plan to form an essential component of bidding for any license, permit or interest in the oil and gas industry. It contains provisions to ensure that ‘first consideration’ is given to Nigerian and Nigerian Companies. The local content gives force of law to the Nigerian Content Policy, which are already part of current oil regulations. The local content act establishes a legal and regulatory framework for the involvement of and procrastination f indigenous oil and gas companies in the award of oil blocks, oil field licenses, oil lifting licenses and other projects. Under the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act, rights or interests in an oil mining lease (MOL) may be transferred by assignment. However, an assignment can only be valid where the consent of the Minister of Petroleum Resources has first been obtained following the fulfillment of the relevant conditions. These conditions include that the proposed assignee: Is of good reputation, a member of a group of companies of good reputation, or is wend by a company or companies of good reputation. Has sufficient technical knowledge and experience, and sufficient financial resources to effectively operate under the license or lease. How to cite Tatutory body, Papers

Marketing For Enhancing Sustainability †

Question: Discuss about the Marketing For Enhancing Sustainability. Answer: Introduction The increasing change in the demand and the ever-changing trends has affected the market of the organizations. The technological advancements have affected the availability of the products and the services based on their offerings and the placing. The most important step that the organization takes, considering the modern market structure, is to take steps in order to promote their product. In order to undertake the promotion, the organizations consider the principle of the four Ps that affects the market structure of the product (Roy 2012). The price, the product itself, the promotional activities and the place where the promotion is being undertaken. It helps in determining the functions that are required to be taken by the organization in order to undertake a successful product launch. The report focuses in identifying the issues that the marketing of a particular product or a line of product might face in undertaking the proper marketing strategies. The marketing strategies help the organizations in placing their product effectively in the market. The report aims at understanding the issues that the companies face while marketing a product. The issues can be considered as the hindrances to make the product available in the market (Saren et al. 2012). The proper marketing of the product also ensures the sustainable approach of the organizations that is being hampered through the issues that the organization faces while marketing the product or the services (Saren et al. 2012). Issues faced in marketing The issues that are being faced by the organizations while marketing the product is based on the requirements of the organization to make their advancements in the market. The issues are being illustrated and discussed in this section of the analysis. It helps in the clear understanding of the issues that the company faces while marketing in the modern days and thereby determines the risks that are involved with the products placement in the market. The increased competitiveness has resulted to the substantial growth of the other organizations in the market. Therefore, the most important issue that is being faced by the organizations while marketing their product is due to the inefficiency in their advertisements (Babin. and Zikmund 2015). The various advertisements that already exist in the market through the usage of the print media and the social media platforms have affected the growth of the organizations largely. In order to bring in changes in the organizational structure, the organization must make out some changes in the structure of the promotional activities to attract the attention of the potential consumers (Finney 2014). The proper placement of the products and the services helps the organization in making the target audience aware of the products that are being launched by the organization. However, the major issue that is being faced by the organization is based on the increased amount of competition in the socia l and the other media platforms through which the promotion must be undertaken (Malhotra, Birks and Wills 2013). The most important step that is to be adhered in the marketing of the products and its proper placement is through the proper innovation that the organization undertakes. It helps in differentiating the products and the services that are being prepared by the competitors. Most of the companies, these days, have adhered to the proper allocation of the resources and they have undertaken proper utilization of the resources (Baker 2014). It helps the organizations in maintaining a differentiation. The multinational companies like Apple and the like have taken strategies in order to promote their services with the products. This helps the organizations in undertaking successful steps to market their products. The iTunes that are being produced by Apple is being promoted along with the devices like iPods and the like. It helps the organization in collaborating the products and the services and provides a complete package to the consumers. The basic concept of promoting the product along wi th the services is to make the market open for both based on the consumer requirements. Most of the other companies have undertaken steps to make their product different from that of the competitors (Minton et al. 2012). It has helped them in balancing the market availability of the products adhering to the demand of the consumers. On the other hand, some other companies are not able to differentiate between the products they manufacture and that produced by the competitors. Therefore, it becomes a tough job for them to promote their products in the market. The major issue that is being faced buy then organizations while marketing a product in the market is due to the lack of determination of the varied emotions of the consumers. The consumers make a buy not based on the advertisements or the reviews on the articles and the magazines. The variation of the emotions affects the products market. Moreover, the company also takes steps in order to ensure the utility that the consumers can expect to derive from the products that are being manufactured by the organization. The utility that is being derived from the products greatly affects the market of the commodities (Griskevicius, Cant and Vugt 2012). Most of the companies develop the same kinds of product, nether determining the utility nor adhering to the requirements of the consumer. Therefore, the marketing of the product becomes a hefty job for the organization. The cross-cultural collaborations that are being undertaken by the organizations in this era of globalization have affected the marketing of the products. The difference in the culture and the heritage is the most important concern that the organization undertakes while marketing (Wells 2013). The multinationals have undertaken collaborations with the other companies that support their growth and expansion. However, there are negative impacts that affect the marketing of the products. The collaborations that are being undertaken by the organizations affect the market due to the diverse needs and requirements of the people and the organizations. The most important consideration undertaken by the organization sin making the decision as per the requirements is based on the peoples choice of the products based on the varied emotions. The varied emotions of the people gives rise to the market competition, which affects the market of the organizations. Sustainable approach of marketing The concepts of marketing are based on the concepts of the sustainability of the organization and their brands in the market. The sustainable nature of the organizations helps in determining the progress that is being undertaken by the organization in order to bring in the changes in the organizational structure (Hollensen 2015). The sustainable approach of the organizations helps in determining the progress made by the organizations in the time span. The different modifications that are being undertaken by the organization is based on the resourcefulness of the organizations and the needs of the organizations to bring about the change in the structure. In order to review the different ventures of the organization, there are steps that the organization must undertake in order to ensure the sustainable approach of the organizations (Solr 2012). It helps in the better functioning of the organization and thereby determines the brand name. The proper placement of the products in the mark et and the steps of promotion, which is being undertaken by the organization, help in determining the sustainable approach of the organizations. Conclusion Therefore, from the analysis it can be stated that the organizations face a serious issue in the modern days based on the proper marketing of the product. The proper marketing of the products holds the venture of the organizational progress that is being ensured by the organization in order to meet the requirements of the improvements that the organization must undertake in order to sustain. The most important step that is being considered by the organizations are based on the improvements that the organization undertakes. The sustainable approach of the organizations has facilitated the growth and the expansion of the organizations in their respective fields. References Babin, B.J. and Zikmund, W.G., 2015.Exploring marketing research. Cengage Learning. 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